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موضوع مغلق
أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 06-11-2003, 11:47 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Dreams_82

Dreams_82 غير متصل

With All Love

This Letter Is Dedicated To The Most Wonderfull Girl I Ever Met.

Dear Layla:
It's not so bad,, and,,,,,,,
I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life,
Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life,
Push the door, I'm home at last and I'm soaking through and through
then you handed me a towel and all I see is you,
and even if my house falls down now, I wouldn't have a clue
Because you're near me and always Love You,,
Oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life,,,
Dear Layla, I wrote but you still isn't calling,,
I left my E-Mail But You Still late replying,,,
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em,,
There probably was a problem at the post office or something,,
Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em,,
but anyways; fuck it, what's been up? Man how's your daughter?
My girlfriend's pregnant too; I'm bout to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what I'm a call her?
I'm a name her Layla,,,,
I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want him,,,
I know you probably hear this everyday, but I'm your biggest fan,,,
I even got the underground shit,,,
I got a room full of your Reply's,,,
I like the Words You wrote too,
My heart is digging while I'm writing these words,,,
I wonder If you heart do so too,,,,
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back,
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan,,,
We Couldn't Be together last time,,,,
But I hop when sleep tonight and dream with My dreams,,,,
We're gonna fly like a bird in the sky
Just you and I
I wanna love you now
I wanna take you high
I wanna give you everything
that you desire...
Today is gonna be the day
That they're gonna throw it back to you,,,
You are my wonderfull Layla,,,
I hop I had makes you smile & happy while you reading this E-Mail
as much as I'm happy.

التوقيع :
ان كان لون عيونك بنية مثلي, فاعلم انك: رومانسي جدا, لذا أهديك:


In Dreams, the perfect love
has a smile, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In Dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving,
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just what to do
to make you feel loved...
In Dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just by being near...
I'm luckier than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore!
I found you.
Just Contact Me OK

قديم 12-11-2003, 05:38 AM   رقم المشاركة : 2
* مـــــــزون *
( ود متميز )

* مـــــــزون * غير متصل

That was abeautiful words..............

* Dearms-82*........

And I think she is alucky girl To find someone who loves her like that

Thanks al0o0o0ot

Yo0o0our Sis......

* Muzo0o0o0o0o0n *

قديم 12-11-2003, 12:41 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Dreams_82

Dreams_82 غير متصل

You Welcome,,, I Hop She Would Read My Words
OK, Then

التوقيع :
ان كان لون عيونك بنية مثلي, فاعلم انك: رومانسي جدا, لذا أهديك:


In Dreams, the perfect love
has a smile, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In Dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving,
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just what to do
to make you feel loved...
In Dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just by being near...
I'm luckier than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore!
I found you.
Just Contact Me OK

موضوع مغلق

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