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موضوع مغلق
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قديم 03-11-2003, 05:44 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Brooken

Brooken غير متصل

Download Music Here

[MARQ=right]السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته[/MARQ]

Well, I am a new member of your sweet community . Looking forward to be helpful and useful as possible as I can.

Well, I got that idea in my mind and I thought of discussing it with you, my friends.
The idea is that I will be posting new links for new hit western songs starting from today and you can download your favorite song.
Moreover, you can request the songs you wish to get it from me and I will try to find it.

Wharra I got in return??? Well I got
1) My article will reach high traffic hopefully.
2) Lust for challenge.
3) Bigger and bigger my Media library will be.

Anyhow, that is only accepted of course after the recognitions of this club administrators

anyway, these are the two songs just right click it and save the target and enjoy.
B2K.... Bum Bum *7

G.David& Sting....Rise and Fall

[MARQ=left]New New New[/MARQ]

Listen to these Hits
Just right click the link and save it.

Intuition.... Jewel *w

In Da Club.... 50Cent *7

Have Fun Amigos

[MARQ=left]New New New[/MARQ]

Hi again,
Guess what friend i got another two more Hits
I would be very pleased if you can listen to them.

Get Busy..... Sean Paul

In The End.... Linkin Park*6

just right click it and enjoy jumping around

[MARQ=left]New New New[/MARQ]

WOW it's been a while since I did something here.. really glad to be here..
well i guess you are done with instructions so let's get down to business
R.Kelly......Fiesta Fiesta
EMINEM..... 8 Mile

اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

التوقيع :
اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

NeVer LooK BeHiNd
iT Is ScAry !

قديم 04-11-2003, 12:37 AM   رقم المشاركة : 2
Wad al-wed
( عضو شرف )
الصورة الرمزية Wad al-wed

Wad al-wed غير متصل

HI brooken

Welcome aboard my friend and i hope u will enjoy it here with us

for the songs or hits links personaly not intersted but mybe others any thanx for the offer

take care

التوقيع :
استكثرك وقتى على وغدابك
عادت زمانى كل ماطاب هون

قديم 04-11-2003, 01:27 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Brooken

Brooken غير متصل

At Least.....

Thanks Wad for the reply and it's okay if you are not intersted....
at least the accpetance of what I am doing is granted
thanks again for stopping by.



التوقيع :
اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

NeVer LooK BeHiNd
iT Is ScAry !

قديم 07-11-2003, 01:10 PM   رقم المشاركة : 4
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Dreams_82

Dreams_82 غير متصل

These Softwares Will Give You All Music You Wish Rastaman
Search Them At Download.com

التوقيع :
ان كان لون عيونك بنية مثلي, فاعلم انك: رومانسي جدا, لذا أهديك:


In Dreams, the perfect love
has a smile, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In Dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving,
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just what to do
to make you feel loved...
In Dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just by being near...
I'm luckier than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore!
I found you.
Just Contact Me OK

قديم 08-11-2003, 11:17 AM   رقم المشاركة : 5
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Brooken

Brooken غير متصل

Thanks, Yo

I know about these softwars specially Kazaa i using kazaa light and it's amazing. Yet , these softwars are so damn slow and it takes me a life time long to download anything.

Thanks for bring it up dude.
Have fun

التوقيع :
اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

NeVer LooK BeHiNd
iT Is ScAry !

قديم 08-11-2003, 12:57 PM   رقم المشاركة : 6
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Dreams_82

Dreams_82 غير متصل

Then You Have To Recieve Internet Via Satellite
Details at:

التوقيع :
ان كان لون عيونك بنية مثلي, فاعلم انك: رومانسي جدا, لذا أهديك:


In Dreams, the perfect love
has a smile, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In Dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving,
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just what to do
to make you feel loved...
In Dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just by being near...
I'm luckier than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore!
I found you.
Just Contact Me OK

قديم 11-11-2003, 12:35 PM   رقم المشاركة : 7
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Sarafina

Sarafina غير متصل


hi everyone
i like music soo much for the moment can i have some links to Dawnlad Quran
then latter i'll prepare my list of Songs

التوقيع :
peace be with U

قديم 11-11-2003, 01:24 PM   رقم المشاركة : 8
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Dreams_82

Dreams_82 غير متصل

Hey Brooken, You Like SEAN Paul,,, What a Bad Test
What Is Interest On His Music,, Just NOISE
Nothing But REGGAE MUSIC,,,,, It's Happy Music Man
Here In OMAN, Specially In Muscat, People Divided Into Parts, Part Who Likes English Music,, Specially REGGAE And African Types,, & Part Who Likes Beduin Traditional Music, And Unfortunally They Are Te Most,, I Hate Beduin Traditional

Hey Safarina,, Searching Music On Web By Engine Searches Is Hard To Find Free Results, All Results Would Be For Purchasing, Nothing Free Unless You Use I Mesh Or Kazaa

التوقيع :
ان كان لون عيونك بنية مثلي, فاعلم انك: رومانسي جدا, لذا أهديك:


In Dreams, the perfect love
has a smile, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In Dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving,
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just what to do
to make you feel loved...
In Dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just by being near...
I'm luckier than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore!
I found you.
Just Contact Me OK

قديم 13-11-2003, 01:30 PM   رقم المشاركة : 9
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Sarafina

Sarafina غير متصل


التوقيع :
peace be with U

قديم 13-11-2003, 01:40 PM   رقم المشاركة : 10
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Dreams_82

Dreams_82 غير متصل

You Welcome Sis

التوقيع :
ان كان لون عيونك بنية مثلي, فاعلم انك: رومانسي جدا, لذا أهديك:


In Dreams, the perfect love
has a smile, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In Dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving,
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just what to do
to make you feel loved...
In Dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just by being near...
I'm luckier than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore!
I found you.
Just Contact Me OK

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