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قديم 19-02-2007, 10:32 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1
( وِد ماسي )
الصورة الرمزية AbdAlMajeeD

AbdAlMajeeD غير متصل

What Color Are You?0


Read this .....

after discovering
color" you are, read the description at the bottom for that
color.....If your birthday
is on......

> December 23rd~ January 1st = Red
>January 2nd ~ January 11th=Orange
>January 12th ~ January 24th = Yellow
>January 25th ~ February 3rd = Pink
>February 4th ~February 8th = Blue
>February 9th ~ February 18th =Green
>February 19th ~ February 28th = Brown
>March 1st ~ March 10th = Aqua
>March 11th ~ March 20th = Lime
>March 21st = Black
>March 22nd ~ March 31st =
>April 1st ~ April 10th = Navy
>April 11th ~ April 20th = Silver
>April 21st ~ April 30th = White
>May 1st ~ May 14th = Blue
>May 15th ~ May 24th = Gold
>May 25th ~ June 3rd= Cream
>June 4th ~ June 13th = Grey
>June 14th ~ June 23rd = Maroon
>June 24th = Grey
>June 25th ~ July 4th = Red
>July 5th ~ July 14th = Orange
>July 15th ~ July 25th = Yellow
>July 26th ~ August 4th = Pink
>August 5th ~ August 13th= Blue
>August 14th ~ August 23rd = Green
>August 24th ~ September 2nd = Brown
>September 3rd ~ September 12th = Aqua
>September 13th ~ September 22nd = Lime
>September 23rd = Olive
>September 24th ~October 3rd = Purple
>October 4th ~ October 13th = Navy
>October 14th ~ October 23rd = Silver
>October 24th ~November 11th = White
>12th ~ November 21st = Gold
>November 22nd ~ December 1st = Cream
>December 2nd ~ December 11th = Grey
>December 12th~ December 21st = Maroon


>Cute and lovable type, You are picky but always in love...
>and liked to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but can be
>moody" at times. Capable with people nice, soft, and that can
>love you or the way you are. Likes
>people that are easy to
>talk to,
>and can make you feel comfortable.


>Competitive and sportive. Don't like losing and always
>You are trustworthy, and very out going. you choose love

>and don't fall in love easily. But once you
>find the right one, you don't let go or a long time.

>*TEAL*(؟؟ ما لقيته بين الالوان:)

>You are mostly interested in your looks. And have high
>standards in picking love. You think and make a
>solution precisely, and hardly make stupid mistakes. You like
>lead, and is easy for you to make
>new friends.


>You are attractive, and active. You never hide
>your feelings,
>and express everything that's inside. But can be selfish at
>You want to be noticed, and don't like to be treated
>unequally. You
>can brighten up peoples day. You know what to say at the right
>and you have a good sense of humor.


>You get along well with new people. You are not really a shy
>but sometimes you can hurt people's feelings
>by your
>words... You like to be loved and noticed by your lover, but
>you are single, waiting for the right person.

>You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and
>out going. It's hard
>for you to find the one you want, but once
>find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again
>a long time.

> *PINK**_^

>You are always trying your best in everything, and like
>to help and care for other people. But you are not
>satisfied. You have negative thoughts, and you look for
>romantic love like in a fairytale.

>You are sweet and innocent. Trusted by many people, and have
>a strong leadership towards relationships. You make good
>and make the right choice at the right time. And always


>You are intelligent, and know what's right. You like to make
>things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble
>for not thinking about other people's feelings. But you be
>when it comes to love..
>Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to
>find a
>better love.

>You are responsible for your own actions, and you know
>how to treat people.You always have goals to
>reach and you really
>work hard to get there, you are competitive. Your friends are
>important to you
>and you appreciate what you have, you
>over react that's because you are sensitive.

>You are mysterious, never selfish and get interested in
>things easily. Your day can be sad or happy depending
>on your mood.
>You are popular between friends but you can act stupid at
>times, and forget things easily. You go for a person that's

>You are calm, but easily
>stressed out. You get jealous easily, and complain over little
>things. You can't get stuck into one thing, but you have a
>personality for everyone to trust you and like you.
>You are imaginative
>and fun, you
>love trying new things. You
>like to challenge yourself and you learn things easily, you're
>easy to talk to and you give good advice. When
>comes to
>you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right
>friend, you trust them forever.
>You are challenging, and have the "guts". But you don't like
>changes in your life. And once you make a decision, you
>keep it that way for a long time. Your love life is also
>challenging, and different.
>You are warm and light hearted. You seem to flow well
>with friends and family. You don't like violence and
>what's right. You are kind and cheerful, but don't envy other

>You are active and sportive. It's hard for other
>to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. But
>find out you can't get something, you give up and let go

> *BLUE*
>You may have low self-esteem, and can be very picky. You are
>artistic and
>like to fall in love, but you let your
>love pass by, by loving with your mind, not your heart.

>You are attractive, and love your life. You have a strong
>towards everything. And very easily distracted. Once you get
>angry at someone, its hard for you to forgive them.

>You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily
>you don't react to things easily. You are different and
>weird, but everyone loves that in you.

Your feelings
change suddenly and easily. You are always lonely, and
like traveling. You are truthful, but listen and believe other
people too easily. It's hard to find love for you, and get
love easily, Sometimes get hurt by love

التوقيع :
أنت الزائر رقم

اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة


قديم 22-02-2007, 06:46 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2
( وِد ذهبي )
الصورة الرمزية 买BOSS买

买BOSS买 غير متصل

> *PINK**_^

>You are always trying your best in everything, and like
>to help and care for other people. But you are not
>satisfied. You have negative thoughts, and you look for
>romantic love like in a fairytale

i am pink


thanks abdul majeed

i love it

see you

التوقيع :
اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

قديم 22-02-2007, 09:27 PM   رقم المشاركة : 3
مشرفة السياحة والسفر
الصورة الرمزية %فزولها%

اقووووووووووول هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه الباب وين هاااااااااا

والله امزح من جد <<<<<<<<<<<هجي فزوووووووووو ماشاء الله عليكم الله يستر علينا وعليكم

وحده ودها تصير تهئ تهئ تهئ <<<<<< تتكلم عن الالون بس وش الى تقول عنه مادري هههههه

على العموم يسلموووووووو على هيك موضوع جميل للغايه <<<ماتعرف تجامل

دمت بود.......فزوووو

التوقيع :
\\استغفر الله واتوب اليك

قديم 22-02-2007, 11:29 PM   رقم المشاركة : 4
( وِد ذهبي )
الصورة الرمزية 买BOSS买

买BOSS买 غير متصل

فـــزولهــا .. المــوضوع في البــدايه

أول شـــيء .. تحتــاجيــن تعرفيــن تــاريخك بالميلادي ..

المهــم في التــاريخ الشــهر واليــوم ..بس السنــة مـو مهم

وبعــد كــذا تحددين أنتِ لــونكِ بناءاً علــى الشهر واليوم الي أنتِ مولودة فيها ..

مثــلاً أنا مولود في شــهر January يـــوم 29 ... ولــوني هو الــوردي أو الزهري .. مايفرق

المهم .. بناءاً على لونك .. تشــوفي الصــفات المكتوبة عنــك في لونك ..

هــذا الموضوع ببســاطة ..

أما ترجمــة الصفــات لكــل لون .. شــغلة بس أنتِ .. حددي لونك على حسب المعطيات الي هي يومك وشهرك بالسنة الميلادية .. وأنا أعلمــك بالتــرجمة .. للصفــات ..

تحيتي لكِ خيتووو .. فزووولها

سلامي ومحبتي خيتووو..

التوقيع :
اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

قديم 22-02-2007, 11:38 PM   رقم المشاركة : 5
مشرفة السياحة والسفر
الصورة الرمزية %فزولها%

الله يسلمك ماتقصر اخووووووووووى بس مالى فيه عازه هههههههههه يعني مالي فيه حاجه بس هيك مريت

والله راح تتعب معي هههههههههههههههه اختك عقله بلدي هههههههههههه

يسلمووووووووووووووووووووووووو يمال العوووووووووافي <<<<عندها مترجم بالجهاز بس اختك زوله

دمت بود........فزووووووو

التوقيع :
\\استغفر الله واتوب اليك

قديم 23-02-2007, 04:27 PM   رقم المشاركة : 6
( وِد ذهبي )
الصورة الرمزية 买BOSS买

买BOSS买 غير متصل

تــكرميــن أختي فزووولها

وعقلك يساوي بلد ..

بالتوفيق أختي فزووولها .. ومشــكورة يالغالية ..

التوقيع :
اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

قديم 23-02-2007, 07:36 PM   رقم المشاركة : 7
مشرفة السياحة والسفر
الصورة الرمزية %فزولها%

<<<<<<<<<فيها اكرم ترى مادري وش معناها بلدي يؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤؤ شكلى جايبه العيد بهرجى يساتر........

الله يسلمك اخوى يمال العوافي يارب

دمت بود....فزووو

التوقيع :
\\استغفر الله واتوب اليك

قديم 15-04-2007, 10:16 AM   رقم المشاركة : 8
نبض قلبه
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية نبض قلبه

نبض قلبه غير متصل

أخي الكريم .. AbdAlMajeeD ..

مشكووور واااايد على الموضوع الرائع

ويعطيكـ ألف عافيـــــــــــــــــة ..

تقبـّـــل تحيتي .

التوقيع :
اضغط على الصورة لفتحها بصفحة مستقلة

قديم 02-01-2008, 08:55 AM   رقم المشاركة : 9
عيونكـ غرامي
( وِد ماسي )
الصورة الرمزية عيونكـ غرامي

عيونكـ غرامي غير متصل

Thank you very beautiful theme

التوقيع :

قديم 03-01-2008, 06:48 AM   رقم المشاركة : 10
( وِد ماسي )

ROPY غير متصل

يـــــــــــــعـــــــــطــــــــــيكــــــــــ الـــــــــــــعــــــــــــافـــــــــــــيه،،،،، ،،،،،،




التوقيع :
جميعهمـ مقلدين ....] !

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