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R.A staRsign1 08-07-2010 02:05 AM

<< Talking about yourself>> تحدث عن نفسك<<

Describing yourself

1- What is your full name?
2-How old are you?
3-What height are you ?
4- What is the colour of your hair?
5- What kind of clothes do you wear?
6- Where do you study?
7- What is your favorite subject sport food ?

Best Regards

R.A staRsign1 08-07-2010 02:29 AM

My name is Rania StaRsign .
I am thirty -three years old.
My height is 167cm.
My hair is brown.
I wear jeans & Classic clothes.
I study in Damascus University,Faculty of Letters, English Department.
My favorite subject is English,favorite food is light food & sport is Iropic..

Best wishes to U all

دينا احمد 08-07-2010 02:40 AM

حبيبتى بجد موضوع جميل والله

ولكن انا شايفه موضوع الاسم الحقيقى

صعب جداا وخصوصآ على الكثير من البنات

اسفه جداا ياقلبى

تقبلى تحياتى

R.A staRsign1 08-07-2010 02:48 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة دينا احمد (المشاركة 4392288)
حبيبتى بجد موضوع جميل والله

ولكن انا شايفه موضوع الاسم الحقيقى

صعب جداا وخصوصآ على الكثير من البنات

اسفه جداا ياقلبى

تقبلى تحياتى

Thanks for yr comment

نصراوي الجنوب 24-07-2010 02:49 AM

1- What is your full name?
kudran alzharani

2-How old are you?

Iam 23 years

3-What height are you ?

Iam 169cm

4- What is the colour of your hair?

Is black

5- What kind of clothes do you wear?
just one kind

6- Where do you study?

in albaha university

7- What is your favorite subject sport food

my favorite subject is .ENg--sport>football-food-TRADITIONAL food

thanks alot,

R.A staRsign1 26-07-2010 02:58 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة خضران (المشاركة 4417099)
1- What is your full name?
kudran alzharani

2-How old are you?

Iam 23 years

3-What height are you ?

Iam 169cm

4- What is the colour of your hair?

Is black

5- What kind of clothes do you wear?
just one kind

6- Where do you study?

in albaha university

7- What is your favorite subject sport food

my favorite subject is .ENg--sport>football-food-TRADITIONAL food

thanks alot,

no pain no gain 18-09-2010 05:13 PM

i'm waleed . s .s
i'm 28 years old
my height is 170 < even for a midget villain like my self that's untenable ethical position ): any way i'm just kiddin'
i just came from USA.. LONG STUDY TIME.. i'm in riyadh if i'm n't wrong
my fav might be chasin' after white chicks, another joke (: i'm n't sure seriously it might be listening to some country musics and seriously i wanna be wannabe
my fav food would be caramel pecan supreme pie yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy

R.A staRsign1 20-09-2010 03:03 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة no pain no gain (المشاركة 4509348)

i'm waleed . s .s
i'm 28 years old
my height is 170 < even for a midget villain like my self that's untenable ethical position ): any way i'm just kiddin'
i just came from USA.. LONG STUDY TIME.. i'm in riyadh if i'm n't wrong
my fav might be chasin' after white chicks, another joke (: i'm n't sure seriously it might be listening to some country musics and seriously i wanna be wannabe

my fav food would be caramel pecan supreme pie yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy

Nice to meet U Waleed
Thanks for yr participation in my simple subject
Have a Great Day

Madcap 20-09-2010 06:45 AM

1- Mosaad ALmutari

2- 23 yd

3- 178 cm

4- Black ..!

5- it depends on situation and time

6- U.S

7- My facebook - Cheese steak - Bowling

well, that's about it

R.A staRsign1 21-09-2010 03:02 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Madcap (المشاركة 4511678)
1- Mosaad ALmutari

2- 23 yd

3- 178 cm

4- Black ..!

5- it depends on situation and time

6- U.S

7- My facebook - Cheese steak - Bowling

well, that's about it

Good Morning my brother
Thank you for yr informations

رفااال 22-11-2010 02:41 AM


Describing yourself

1- What is your full name?

refal khaled

2-How old are you?
17 years
3-What height are you ?

4- What is the colour of your hair?

Light Brown

5- What kind of clothes do you wear?

6- Where do you study?
Study in High School

7- What is your favorite subject sport food ?


Thank you for questions


R.A staRsign1 07-12-2010 05:13 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة رفااال (المشاركة 4608963)

Describing yourself

1- What is your full name?

refal khaled

2-How old are you?
17 years
3-What height are you ?

4- What is the colour of your hair?

Light Brown

5- What kind of clothes do you wear?

6- Where do you study?
Study in High School

7- What is your favorite subject sport food ?


Thank you for questions


Hi sweety
Thanks for yr participation in my subject
Have a Great Day

الساعة الآن 09:01 AM.