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قديم 10-01-2004, 06:43 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Dreams_82

Dreams_82 غير متصل

Why I Love You >> By Dreams_82


Why I Love You

Why do I love you?
From you that question came.
Apparently I don't tell you why,
And myself I have to blame.

So I feel that I should list,
Some qualities in you I admire.
And put them down in written form,
Before from my brain they expire.

I don't know what to start off with,
Placing precedence on one or the other.
So I shall blindly pick one random,
And hope that I can still flatter.

Your sense of humor I love so dear,
As you spontaneously crack a joke.
Or contort your face so weird,
I am afraid it will go broke.

You do this at moments so unsuspecting,
That I must laugh with you anyway;
No matter how rotten my mood is,
Or how dreary it is that day.

I also love your questioning,
Of the universe around you.
Your probing of the environment,
And deducing false from true.

No question is to small or dumb,
For me to not want to answer.
I honestly don't want to belittle you,
I just want to sate your hunger.

I also love your ************************ body,
As you show it off all day.
I find myself thinking of it,
In each and every way.

I cannot help but notice your curves,
Even when not trying to act sensually.
But for my poor senses its overload,
You are terrible for teasing me.

I also love your strength of will,
Your progress in times so dire.
I only want to support you best,
To help you rise above the mire.

You have faced situations terrible,
And overcome obstacles aplenty.
But still you have sold yourself short,
And I am forever your sentry.
I only look to reinstate,
The confidence you have within.
And I feel eternally lucky,
That you have allowed me in.

I love the way you treat our "kids",
As though they were creatures of your own.
It makes my heart swell with pride,
When your bedside manner, you hone.

As I watch you tend to ours,
I know that four-legged pets everywhere
Will benefit from the knowledge you seek,
And the heart's love you share.

I finally love the way that you,
Can keep me in check from myself.
I can only hope I do the same for you,
As you can be hard on yourself.

And so I must end this sonnet,
Not because I have no more to say.
But because I'd rather be with you,
On this Valentine's Day.

So we shall celebrate our very first,
Anniversary of our engagement.
And I have marked the evening with
Another poem (or love cement).

I hope you like this one as much,
As the others that are equally true.
Because I want to tell you why,
Why it is that I love you.

And even though that may be a task,
Very arduous in the undertaking.
These little words I string together,
Are the only just the beginning.

The Original Poem

All that I have ever wished for
is for someone to complete me.
Someone who is kind and friendly,
yet has a different outlook on life.
Someone to lean on
and hold hands with,
Someone who'll lie down with me,
and snuggle close when its cold.

I want to share my ideas with him,
And hear him laugh.
I wish I could look into his eyes
So that I might lose myself.
I'd love to sneak a kiss from his lips,
and slow dance the night away.
His touch would bring sunshine
to my otherwise cloudy day.
I will run my hands through his hair
and caress his back with a massage.
If I look down at his hand in mine,
my heart will explode, my brain halt.
My only stipulation would be
that he loves me as much as I him.

But this is too much to ask for,
A relationship to close.
I would share everything with him,
he would know me through,
Unfortunately, in all my travels,
I cannot find anyone
who wants this too.
So I shall remain alone,
Until the day I am released.
That day he will come up to me,
And say those magic words,
My heart will melt,
My eyes will water,
All because he said "I love you."

The Next Chapter

My path was seemingly empty,
barren and devoid.
I had no one to accompany me,
along my lonely journey.
Occasionally I would meet,
someone who would journey beside.
Our paths converged,
for a little while,
we shared something sweet and close.
But it wasn't to last.
You decided to abandon me,
to travel alone, or with someone else.
I begin to feel my life,
will always and forever remain incomplete.
I feel as though my love,
will be unanswered.

Suddenly a familiar figure draws near.
She is one who has shared my path,
but remained far away.
I am not expecting accompaniment,
along this difficult and ardorous road.
The first time she flittered close,
but our enemies drove us apart.
Farther down the road we rejoined,
but I was traveling with another.
This time is different.
My experience has grown.
My heart yearns for another,
yet this one will not be forgotten.
She flutter close,
yet holds back.
I confront her,
revealing to her my joy at her return.
I invite her to accompany me,
as far as the next ridge.
In a softly spoken voice,
spoken by the angels,
mimicked by the doves,
she says, "I have always loved you."

My heart melted,
My eyes watered,
All because she said,
"I love you."
She goes on to explain,
why she was afraid to draw near.
About how my other companions,
had frightened her away.
She had sent spies after me,
learning my every move.
Now she reveals to me,
just how much she loves me.
Our bodies draw close,
Our hands intertwine,
Our eyes focus on the most important thing:
each other.
Our lips draw closer, closer, closer.
We combine.

I no longer travel alone,
I have a companion.
She has defined her world against mine.
I have defined my world against her love.
Alas, this is not a fairy tale,
or a story told of happy days of yore.
Instead this is the harsh sonnet of reality,
where journeys end,
paths diverge,
roads end.
My companion must remain on her path,
I must remain on mine.
Perhaps, in the future, our roads will cross again,
My journey may even end,
But that is a day far off,
And I will once again travel alone,
With only the memories to keep my company


التوقيع :
ان كان لون عيونك بنية مثلي, فاعلم انك: رومانسي جدا, لذا أهديك:


In Dreams, the perfect love
has a smile, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In Dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving,
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just what to do
to make you feel loved...
In Dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just by being near...
I'm luckier than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore!
I found you.
Just Contact Me OK

قديم 10-01-2004, 07:56 PM   رقم المشاركة : 2
Wad al-wed
( عضو شرف )
الصورة الرمزية Wad al-wed

Wad al-wed غير متصل

Hi Dream

This is nice and good wrok dream82 . it looks like
that u spended some time to do it this way

Nice 2 see u around dream

التوقيع :
استكثرك وقتى على وغدابك
عادت زمانى كل ماطاب هون

قديم 11-01-2004, 10:32 AM   رقم المشاركة : 3
( ود نشِـط )
الصورة الرمزية Dreams_82

Dreams_82 غير متصل

Thanks For You Appriciate

التوقيع :
ان كان لون عيونك بنية مثلي, فاعلم انك: رومانسي جدا, لذا أهديك:


In Dreams, the perfect love
has a smile, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In Dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving,
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just what to do
to make you feel loved...
In Dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just by being near...
I'm luckier than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore!
I found you.
Just Contact Me OK

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